If you won an Olympic gold medal, where would you keep it? If youre 51画鋼 alumna Emily Pfalzer 15, the answer is simple: you油 keep it in a sock.

Its always funny to see peoples reaction when I pull the medal out, she admitted.

Pfalzer, who graduated from 51画鋼 in 2015, earned her gold at the PyeongChang Winter Games as a member of the U.S. womens national ice hockey team. She wasnt the only Eagle on the ice: Cayla Barnes '22, Kali Flanagan '19, Megan Keller '19, and Haley Skarupa '16 all contributed to Team USAs the first in 20 yearsover Canada.

In the days and weeks following their return to the U.S., the champions were busier than ever, throwing out first pitches, chatting up Jimmy Fallon, snapping selfies with the cast of This is Us, and walking the red carpet at the ESPY Awards. Below are a few of their favorite gold medal memories:

Speechless on Ellen

The women's hockey team with Ellen DeGeneres

Courtesy of The Ellen DeGeneres Show

After touching down in the U.S., the teams first appearance was on . As she congratulated the women, Ellen remarked on their uniformly hoarse voices. Did you all lose your voices from screaming? she asked one of the captains. Are you not talking because you sound like her?

It was so cool, Kali Flanagan '19 said of the experience. Seeing how receptive the entire country was to our win was incredible. We were all saying, Oh my gosh, how cool is it that what weve done has made such an impact on not only womens hockey, but just on people in general?

A photo with Abe

The women's hockey team at the Abraham Lincoln memorial

As part of their Post Olympic Tour, the team visited Washington, D.C. where they snapped a photo in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The moment was especially poignant for Haley Skarupa 16, who grew up 20 minutes outside the city.

I have so many photos of myself with family and friends right here in front of the Lincoln Memorial, she said. To think I would be there years later with my teammates standing there as gold medal Olympic champions is just a dream come true.

Inspiring the next generation

As any Olympian knows, a gold medal isnt something you keep to yourself. After the Games, Flanagan carried her medal with her everywhere in an effort to share the victory with as many people as possible.

I went to my elementary school and talked to a lot of younger girls who play hockey, she said. To be able to show them that dreams do come true is just something thats incredibly special, unique, and honestly priceless.

Champions club

The women's hockey team with Serena and Venus Williams

This may be one of my favorite pictures of all time, said Skarupa, who sat front row with the rest of her team for the Tie Break Tens tennis tournament at Madison Square Garden. The Williams sisters were so awesome, funny, and excited for usif you zoom in, Venus is holding my gold medal!

Setting the pace

A woman driving a racecar

The summer after her Olympic win, Megan Keller '19 returned to her home state to drive the pace car at the FireKeepers Casino 400, a NASCAR race held every year at the Michigan International Speedway. Unreal experience she油油after the race. Thanks [NASCAR champion] @KurtBusch for being nice to me back there!

Opening Ceremony

Olympians at the opening ceremonies

In PyeongChang, Cayla Barnes '22, Kali Flanagan '19, Emily Pfalzer '15, Megan Keller '19, and Haley Skarupa '16 flank Brian Gionta '01, captain of the U.S. Men's Hockey team.

Although her gold medal dreams were yet to be realized, walking in the Opening Ceremony will forever be Cayla Barnes 22s most treasured Olympic memory.

Its such a cool moment when the whole world is watching and there is peace through sport, she said. To be on the highest stage realizing your dreamsits a moment I will never forget.

Alix Hackett | University Communications | October 2018