Prepare for Your Search

Finding a job or internship is not a one-size-fits-all process. Your search should be customized to meet your unique needs and goals. The Career Center is ready to collaborate with you in your journey toward a meaningful career. The resources provided in the subsequent pages are designed to assist you in initiating your job or internship hunt, preparing your application documents, enhancing your interview skills, and evaluating job and internship offers.

Launch Your Search

Be Career Ready

Prepare to Apply


Put your best foot forward with a concise summation of your skills, education, goals, and experience.

Cover Letters

Introduce yourself to a potential employer while demonstrating your communication skills and professionalism.

Your Online Presence

A carefully crafted LinkedIn profile can help you establish connections and explore companies and industries.


Put yourself out there by setting up informational interviews or talking with acquaintances about your career goals.


Whether it's in person or by phone, brushing up on interview etiquette will help you make a great impression.

Evaluating an Offer and Salary Negotiation

Learn how to evaluate a job offer and negotiate for the salary you deserve.

From the Career Center Blog
Many students are drawn to internships or careers that don’t directly align with their major. At the Career Center, we
August 30, 2024
The Career Center will be offering industry-specific career fairs and networking events throughout the academic year. Join us for our
August 30, 2024
Picture this. You’re about to walk into your very first career fair. You’re feeling excited, but know that some of
August 28, 2024