Economics Faculty Directory

Christopher F. Baum

Professor of Economics and Social Work



Selected Publications

Environmental Econometrics Using Stata, with Stan Hurn, 2021. College Station, TX: Stata Press.

“Recreational cannabis legislation, retail sales, and adolescent substance use through2021,” with Rebekah Levine Coley, Naoka Carey, Claudia Kruzik, and Summer SherburneHawkins, 2024.JAMA Pediatrics.

"COVID-19 vaccinations and mental health among U.S. adults: Individual and spillovereffects,” with Rebekah Levine Coley, Naoka Carey and Summer Sherburne Hawkins, 2023.Social Science and Medicine, 329:116027

“Innovation by start-up firms: The role of the board of directors for knowledge spillovers,” with Hans Lööf, Andreas Stephan and Ingrid Viklund-Ros, 2022.Research Policy, 51:1, 104375.

"Unit root tests for explosive behavior," with Jesús Otero, 2021.Stata Journal, 21:4, 999–1020.

“Recreational Marijuana Legislation and Adolescent Use of Marijuana, Tobacco, and Alcohol,” with Rebekah Levine Coley, Claudia Kruzik, Marco Ghiani, Naoka Carey and Summer Sherburne Hawkins, 2021.Journal of Adolescent Health, 69:1, 41-49.