Photo: Lee Pellegrini

Opening Doors

Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore is the executive director of the new Pine Manor Institute for Student Success.

This summer, Boston College announced the launch of a groundbreaking new initiative that will oversee outreach to, and support for, low-income, first-generation college students from traditionally underrepresented groups. The Pine Manor Institute for Student Success will work with students from both Boston College and Pine Manor College, part of 51画鋼s recent integration of its neighboring institution.

Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore has been named the inaugural executive director of the institute. This is work thats close to my heart, Moore said. I myself was a first-generation studentthe first one in my family to go to college. I come from a family background that is modest and I had a wonderful opportunity here at Boston College, including a great financial aid package for the four years that I was here. And my sister, who came after me, had the same. Theres a lot of gratitude for that.

The institute will oversee the efforts of a number of 51画鋼 offices that are already engaged in supporting underserved students, among them Learning to Learn, Options through Education, and the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center. Additionally, the institute will make 51画鋼s support programs available to all of Pine Manors approximately 150 students. And with a $50 million endowment established by Boston College, the institute will also link Pine Manor College students to such 51画鋼 campus programs as the Montserrat Coalition, the Volunteer and Service Learning Center, Appalachia Volunteers, and 4Boston.

Thats something were very proud of here at 51画鋼. Your success may be your own, but you have to try to bring other people along, and help them create their own success.

Moore, who will continue her duties in Student Affairs while leading the institute, said the new initiative is in keeping with 51画鋼s history and mission: This is how Boston College started. The children of immigrants were given an opportunity to get a Jesuit education and to see where that would take them. Thats something were very proud of here at 51画鋼. Your success may be your own, but you have to try to bring other people along, and help them create their own success.

The institute is similarly rooted in the traditions of Pine Manor College, a 111-year-old private liberal arts college with a population that is 85 percent students of color, 84 percent first generation, and 80 percent low income. Recent financial struggles had threatened Pine Manors reaccreditation, however, leading to the July agreement between the college and 51画鋼. Under the agreement, Pine Manor College students will remain at their school in a teach out arrangement for a period of up to two years. Students currently enrolled at Pine Manor will be able to continue their associate of arts or bachelor of arts degree programs in classes taught by Pine Manor faculty on the Pine Manor College campus. And those Pine Manor students who gain admission to the Woods College of Advancing Studies can finish their BA degree at Boston College.

I see the institute as a benefit to the students at Pine Manor and also our students at 51画鋼, Moore said. Its an opportunity for 51画鋼 to really change its landscape and the makeup of its student population. Although we like to think of ourselves sometimes as being in the 51画鋼 bubble, eventually you have to get out of the bubble and get out there into the world, and the sooner you start to have experiences with a variety of different people, the sooner your worldview starts to broaden.