METHOD: Journal of Lonergan Studiesaims at furthering interpretive, historical, and critical study of the philosophical, theological, economic, and methodological writings of Bernard Lonergan by promoting original research into the methodological foundations of the sciences and disciplines.

METHODis published twice a year. Subscriptions are available on an annual basis. Orders are filled with all journal issues published in the year that the order is placed.

Articles must be submitted by email attachment in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format to Mary Elliot at Submissions should be accompanied by a brief biographical notice.

Submissions must followA Manual of Style(University of Chicago Press). Submissions in other formats will not be accepted for review and will be returned for correct formatting. References to any of Lonergans writings that have appeared in theCollected Works of Bernard Lonerganmust cite that edition, but may also cite older editions.

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New Series Volume 1
<h3>NS 1.1 Spring 2010</h3> <p>1 &nbsp;Classicist Culture: The Utility and Limits of an Ideal Type&nbsp;| Thomas J. McPartland</p> <p>17 &nbsp;From Bias to Method: Peirce and Lonergan on Common Sense and Its Limitations&nbsp;| Michael Forest</p> <p>35 &nbsp;Some Terminological Reservations: Position, Conversion, Person&nbsp; | Hugo Meynell</p> <p>45 &nbsp;Wholes and Hierarchies&nbsp;| David Oyler</p> <p>55 &nbsp;Self-Appropriating the Inner Parts&nbsp;| Philip McShane</p> <p>67 &nbsp;Differentiation and Its Discontents&nbsp;| Glenn Hughes</p> <h3>NS 1.2 Fall 2010</h3> <p>85 &nbsp;Lonergan and Rahner on the Natural Desire to See God&nbsp;| Jeremy Blackwood</p> <p>105 &nbsp;History, Society, and the Hermeneutics of the Poor&nbsp;| Rohan M. Curnow</p> <p>125 &nbsp;Reconstructing Foundations: An Insight-based Approach to Constructivism and Constructionism in Educational Theory and Practice&nbsp;| Lance M. Grigg</p> <p>1<span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; background-color: transparent;">39 &nbsp;Alienation, the Unhappy Consciousness, and Self-Knowledge in Hegel and Lonergan&nbsp;| Alicia Jaramillo</span></p> <p>163 &nbsp;Politics and Metaphysics: A Horatory Exercise&nbsp;| Thomas J. McPartland</p>
New Series Volume 2
<h3>NS 2.1 Spring 2011</h3> <p>1 &nbsp;Self-Appropriation, Polymorphism, and&nbsp;Differ辿nce by James Marsh</p> <p>13 &nbsp;The Ninth Functional Specialty&nbsp;| Robert Doran, S.J.</p> <p>17 &nbsp;Heidegger, Lonergan, and the Notion of Being&nbsp;| Michael Sharkey</p> <p>45 &nbsp;Functional Specialization and the Methodical Division of Labor in Legal Studies&nbsp;| Patrick Brown</p> <p>67 &nbsp;Lonergans Reception Among Economists: Tale of a Dead Fish and an Agenda for Future Work&nbsp;| Paul Osslington</p> <p>79 &nbsp;Groarke, Aristotle, and Induction&nbsp;| Hugo Meynell</p> <p>89 &nbsp;Beyond Radical Particularism: A Lonerganian Response to S. Mark Heims&nbsp;Pluralistic Inclusivism&nbsp;| Nick Olkovich</p> <p>123 &nbsp;Review of Pierrot Lambert and Philip McShane, Bernard Lonergan: His Life and Leading Ideas | David Oyle</p> <h3>NS 2.2 Spring 2011</h3> <p>131 &nbsp;Social Grace&nbsp;| Robert M. Doran, SJ</p> <p>143 &nbsp;Sanctifying Grace, Elevation, and the Fifth Level of Consciousness&nbsp;| Jeremy W. Blackwood</p> <p>163 &nbsp;Living in the Artistry of God: Bernard Lonergans Interpretation of Thomist Volitional Theory&nbsp;| Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer</p> <p>187 &nbsp;The Hypothesis of a Non-Accidental Human Participation in the Divine Active Spiration |&nbsp;Philip McShane</p> <p>203 &nbsp;The Notion of a Lonergan Enterprise&nbsp;| Michael Vertin</p> <p>227 Review of William F. Sullivan,&nbsp;Eyes of the Heart: Knowing the Good in the Euthanasia Debate&nbsp;| James B. Gerrie<br> </p>
New Series Volume 3
<h3>NS 3.1 - Spring 2012</h3> <p>1 &nbsp;Two Ways of Being Conscious: The Notion of Psychic Conversion&nbsp;| Robert M. Doran, SJ</p> <p>19 &nbsp;Considering the Religious Other: Revisiting&nbsp;Dominus Iesus&nbsp;in the Light of Functional Specialization&nbsp;| John R. Friday</p> <p>37&nbsp; The Cosmopolis of Elfland: Bernard Lonergan on G. K. Chesterton&nbsp;| Paul G. Monson</p> <p>63 &nbsp;Lonergan on the Historical Causality of Christ |&nbsp;John Volk</p> <h3>NS 3.2 Fall 2012</h3> <p>1 &nbsp;Eighteen Days in 1968: An Essay on the Maturation of Lonergans Intentionality Analysis |&nbsp;Jeremy W. Blackwood</p> <p>27 &nbsp;The Purpose of Metaphysics&nbsp;| Brian Cronin, C.S. Sp.</p> <p>45 &nbsp;Rendering It Explicitly Accountable: Shedding Light on Lonergans Pragmatism through Robert Brandoms Normative Pragmatics&nbsp;| Francisco V. Galan</p> <p>73 &nbsp;The Reconciliation of the Manifest and Scientific Image in Bernard Lonergan&nbsp;| Brian Mason</p> <p>89 Review of Mark Miller,&nbsp;The Quest for God and the Good Life: Lonergans Theological Anthropology |&nbsp;Brian Braman<br> </p>
Volume 1
<h3>1.1 March 1983</h3> <p>1 &nbsp;Christianity within the Political Dialectics of Community and Empire |&nbsp;Matthew L. Lamb</p> <p>31 &nbsp;Lonergans Early Use of Analogy &nbsp;|&nbsp;Frederick E. Crowe, S.J.</p> <p>47 &nbsp;Emergence in Complex Systems &nbsp;|&nbsp;David Oyler</p> <p>60 &nbsp;A Critique of Lonergans Notion of Dialectic by Ronald McKinney, S.J. &nbsp;|&nbsp;Glenn Hughes82 &nbsp;The Usefulness of Philosophy &nbsp;|&nbsp;Mark D. Morelli</p> <p>88 &nbsp;Review: Clarke E. Cochran: Character, Community, and Politics |&nbsp;Tad Dunne, S.J.</p> <p>89 &nbsp;Review: William Johnston: The Mirror Mind: Spirituality and Transformation |&nbsp;John Carmody</p> <p>93 &nbsp;Review: Bernard J. Tyrrell, SJ: Christotherapy II: The Fasting and Feasting Heart &nbsp;|&nbsp;Robert M. Doran, S.J.</p> <p>9<span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; background-color: transparent;">3 &nbsp;Review: John Navone, S.J. and Thomas Cooper: Tellers of the Word &nbsp;|&nbsp;Bernard J. Tyrrell, S.J.</span></p> <p>96 &nbsp;Review: Christopher Butler: An Approach to Christianity |&nbsp;Jerome M. Dittberner</p> <p>98 &nbsp;Review: Stanley Rosen: The Limits of Analysis &nbsp;|&nbsp;Hugo Meynell</p> <h3>1.2 October 1983</h3> <p>101 Lonergans Notion of Belief | J. Fitzpatrick</p> <p>114 Confrontation and Understanding in the Foundations of Political Philosophy | Geoffrey Price</p> <p>134 Education for Cosmopolis | Robert M. Doran</p> <p>158 The Development and the Unity of Lonergans Notion of Conversion | Michael L. Rende</p> <p>174 Foundation and Empiricism: An Exercise in Dialectic | Hugo Meynell</p> <p>195 A Reply from the Clapham Omnibus | James G. Hanink</p> <p>198 A Reply to James G. Hanink | Hugo Meynell</p> <p>201 A Worthy Fellow Wonders | James G. Hanink</p> <p>204 Drama and Meaning | William A. Stewart, S.J.</p> <p>214 F.R. Leavis: A Memoir Sebastian Moore</p> <p>Terry J. Tekippe, Ed.: Papal Infallibility: An Application of Lonergans Theological Method</p> <p>223 On Learning From An Error | Vernon Gregso<br> </p>
Volume 10
<h3>10.1 Spring 1992</h3> <p>1 Method in Catholic Theology | Bernard J.F. Lonergan</p> <p>27 Lonergan and the Later Wittgenstein | Joseph Fitzpatrick</p> <p>51 A Perhaps Permanently Valid Achievement: Lonergan on Christs Satisfaction | Charles C. Hefting, Jr.</p> <h3>10.2 Fall 1992</h3> <p>77 Post-Analytic Philosophy: Its Causes and Its Cure | Hugo Meynell</p> <p>89 The Critique of Reason&nbsp;| Michael H. McCarthy</p> <p>1<span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; background-color: transparent;">27 The Jesuit University as Counter-Culture | Joseph Flanagan, S.J.</span></p> <p>147 The Incompatibility of Intuition and the Constitution in Husserls The Idea of Phenomenology (1907) | William F. Ryan, S.J.</p>
Volume 11
<h3>11.1 Spring 1993</h3> <p>1 Analytic Concept of History | Bernard J.F. Lonergan</p> <p>37 Cosmopolis: Bourgets and Lonergans | David A. Nordquest</p> <p>51 Consciousness and Grace | Robert M. Doran</p> <p>77 Towards a Systematic Understanding of the Vision in Christ | Terry J. Tekippe</p> <h3>11.2 Fall 1993</h3> <p>103 Analogical Knowledge of God and the Value of Moral Endeavor | Patrick H. Byrne</p> <p>137 Comparative Law as Shock Treatment | Mary Ann Glendon</p> <p>155 Lonergan and Analytic Philosophy of History | Andrew Beards</p> <p>199 A Lonerganian Critique of the Pragmatic Method of Education | Christopher Gilbert</p> <p>215 Moral Decision Making and the Role of the Moral Question | Kenneth R. Melchin</p> <p>229 A Critique of Jerome Millers Interpretation of Lonergan on Knowing and Being | Michael P. Maxwell, Jr.</p> <p>243 No Mean Act of Self-Transcendence | Mark D. Morelli<br /> </p>
Volume 12
<h3>12.1 Spring 1994</h3> <p>1 Lonergan on Consciousness: Is There a Fifth Level? | Michael Vertin</p> <p>37 Reading as Understanding | Joseph Fitzpatrick</p> <p>63 Democratic Multicultures and Cosmopolis: Beyond the Aporias of the Politics of Identity and Difference | Martin J. Matustik</p> <p>91 Objective Chance: Lonergan and Peirce on Scientific Generalization | Vincent G. Potter, S.J.</p> <p>109 A Reply to Michael Maxwell | Jerome Miller</p> <h3>12.2 Fall 1994</h3> <h4>Symposium: Lonergans Philosophy and Religious Phenomenon</h4> <p>121 Philosophy and the Religious Phenonmenon | Bernard J.F. Lonergan, S.J.</p> <p>147 Lonergans Universalist View of Religion | Frederick E. Crowe, S.J.</p> <p>181 Lonergans Philosophy and the Religious Phenomenon: A Commentary | Cynthia S.W. Crysdale</p> <p>205 Theological Reflections on Philosophy and the Religious Phenomenon | Bernard McGinn</p> <p>215 Post-Hegelian Elements in Lonergans Philosophy of Religion | Elizabeth A. Morelli</p> <p>239 Religious Studies Methodology: Bernard Lonergans Contribution | Philip Boo Riley</p> <p>251 God with/out Being | John van den Hengel, S.C.J.</p> <p>281 What Did Lonergan Really Say about Aquinas Theory of the Will? | J. Michael Stebbins</p> <p>307 Shorter Reviews<br> </p>
Volume 13
<h3>13.1 Spring 1995</h3> <p>1 Town Criers of Inwardness or Reflections on Rorty | Joseph Fitzpatrick</p> <p>35 General Method | Philip McShane</p> <p>53 All Love is Self-Surrender | Jerome Miller</p> <p>83 Deconstruction or Genuineness: A Response to Jerome Miller | Michael P. Maxwell, Jr.</p> <p>89 Kant and Lonergan on Insight Into the Sensible | Giovanni B. Sala</p> <p>99 Towards the Re-Horizoning of Subjects: Re-Structuring Classical-Modern Educational Perspectives | Frank Braio</p> <h3>13.2 Fall 1995</h3> <p>111 Consciousness and Normative Subjectivity: Lonergans Unique Foundational Enterprise | Thomas J. McPartland</p> <p>131 Consciousness: Levels, Sublations, and the Subject as Subject | Patrick H. Byrne</p> <p>151 Revisiting Consciousness and Grace | Robert M. Doran</p> <p>161 Being in Love | Tad Dunne</p> <p>177 Consciousness and the Metaphor of Distance: Remarks from Winter Twilight | Timothy Lynch</p> <p>187 Edmund Husserl and the R辰tsel of Knowledge | William F. Ryan, S.J.</p> <p>221 Judgments of Value, for the Later Lonergan | Michael Vertin<br> </p>
Volume 14
<h3>14.1- Spring 1996</h3> <p>1 Affectional Conversion: A Distinct Conversion or Potential Differentiation in the Spheres of Sensitive Psychic and/or Affective Conversion? | Bernard Tyrrell</p> <p>37 The Operational Situation | David Oyler</p> <p>55 Newman on Apprehansion, Notional, and Real | Charles Hefling</p> <p>85 Kants Anomolous Insights | William Mathews</p> <p>99 Conversion and Objectivity | Joseph Komonchak</p> <p>107 Book Reviews</p> <h3>14.2 Fall 1996</h3> <p>117 The Notion of Structure | Bernard Lonergan, S.J.</p> <p>133 The African University and the Social Sciences: The Contribution of Lonergans Epistemological Theory | Patrick Giddy</p> <p>155 Concupiscence and Benevolence in the Thomistic Epistemology of Maritain, Lonergan, and Rahner | Eileen Grieco</p> <p>183 Engaged Agency and the Notion of the Subject | Jim Kanaris</p> <p>201 Literary Theory-What is to be Done? | Hugo Meynell</p> <p>217 Book Review<br> </p>
Volume 15
<h3>15.1 Spring 1997</h3> <p>1 Editors Introduction | Frederick Crowe, S.J.</p> <p>5 Moral Theology and the Human Sciences | Bernard Lonergan, S.J.</p> <p>21 Process Medical Ethics: A Contribution Towards an Adequate Lonergan Position | Miguel Bedolla</p> <p>29 Suspicion and Recovery | Eileen DeNeeve</p> <p>51 Lonergan, Economics, and Moral Theology | Peter Burley</p> <p>57 Lonergan and Gagnepain: The Human Sciences in Question | Thomas Ewens</p> <p>91 A Psychoanalytic Commentary on Lonergans Moral Theology and the Human Sciences | William Meissner</p> <h3>15.2 Fall 1997</h3> <p>111 Towards a New Critical Center | Michael McCarthy</p> <p>135 Calculating Subjects: Lonergan, Derrida, and Foucault | Jim Kanaris</p> <p>151 Current Views on Legal Reasoning: The Problem of Communication | Bruce Anderson</p> <p>169 Common Sense, Space, and the Problem of Troubled Consciousness | Kevin McGinley</p> <p>191 Faith Development: Fowler and Lonergan Revisited | Neil Ormerod</p> <p>209 Book Reviews<br> </p>
Volume 16
<h3>16.1 Fall 1998</h3> <p>1 Editors Introduction | Frederick E. Crowe</p> <p>5 Variations in Fundamental Theology | Bernard J.F. Lonergan, SJ</p> <p>25 Schleiermachers Epistemology | Louis Roy, OP</p> <p>47 The Role of Cognitive Reflection in Bernard Lonergans Moral Theology | James Swindal</p> <p>67 Book Reviews</p> <h3>16.2 Spring 1998</h3> <p>83 The Scope of Renewal | Bernard J.F. Lonergan, SJ</p> <p>103 What Do I Do When I Paint? | Tad Dunne</p> <p>133 A Biographical Perspective on Conversion and the Functional Specialties in Lonergan | William Mathews, SJ</p>
Volume 17
<h3>17.1 Spring 1999</h3> <p>1 Mutilating Desire? Lonergan and Nussbaum: A Dialectic Encounter | Brian J. Braman</p> <p>27 Rhyme and Reason: On Lonergans Foundation For Works of the Spirit | Frederick E. Crowe, SJ</p> <p>47 Healing and Creating in the Work of Martha Nussbaum | Paulette Kidder</p> <p>61 Human Knowing: Passivity, Experience, and Structural Actuation | Tim Lynch</p> <h3>17.2 Fall 1999</h3> <p>97 Nonviolence, Creation, Healing | Mark J. Doorley</p> <p>111 Macroeconomic Dynamics and the Work of Nations: Lonergan and Reich on the Global Economy | Paul Hoyt-OConnor</p> <p>133 Human Knowing: Passivity, Experience, and Structural Actuation | Tim Lynch</p> <p>171 Lonergans Unified Theory of Consciousness | Mark D. Morelli<br> </p>
Volume 18
<h3>18.1 Spring 2000</h3> <p>1 Oversight of Insight and the Critique of the Metaphysics of Presence | Elizabeth Murray Morelli</p> <p>17 Presence and Differentiation: A Response to Elizabeth Morellis Oversight of Insight | Paul St. Amour</p> <p>27 The First Chapter of De Deo Trino: Pars Systemiatica: The Issues | Robert M. Doran, SJ</p> <p>49 Pointing Discussions of Interpretation Towards Dialectics: Some Comments on Michael Vertins Paper Is There a Constitutional Right of Privacy? | Bruce Anderson</p> <p>67 For a Phenomenology of Rational Consciousness | Frederick E. Crowe, SJ</p> <p>91 Book Review: Redirecting Philosophy: Reflections on the Nature of Knowledge from Plato to Lonergan by Hugo Meynell | Brian Braman</p> <h3>18.2 Fall 2000</h3> <p>95 Lonergan, the Integral Postmodern? | Fred Lawrence</p> <p>123 Whe Pragmatism and Instrumentalism Collide: Lonergans Resolution of the Pierce/Dewey Debate on Theory and Practice in Science | Antonia Galdos</p> <p>145 On Insight, Objectivity, and the Pathology of Families | Russell J. Sawa and Hugo Meynell</p> <p>161 Interpreting the Constitution: A Response to Bruce Anderson | Michael Vertin</p> <p>1<span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; background-color: transparent;">79 Judgment, Reality, and Dissociative Consciousness | Robert Henman</span></p>
Volume 19
<h3>19.1 Spring 2001</h3> <p>1 Translators Introduction | Michael Shields</p> <p>3 The Notion of Sacrifice | Bernard Lonergan, SJ</p> <p>29 Appendix: Three Drafts on the Idea of Sacrifice | Bernard Lonergan, SJ</p> <p>35 Intelligentia Fidei in De Deo Trino, Pars Systematica | Robert M. Doran, SJ</p> <p>85 Lonergan and the Completion of American Philosophy | Patrick Madigan</p> <p>101 A Woman of Common Sense Addresses the High Culture | Th辿r竪se Mason</p> <p>113 Lonergans Notion of Speculative Theology | Mark Mealy</p> <p>143 Lonergan and Taylor: A Critical Integration | Nicholas Plants</p> <h3>19.2 Fall 2001</h3> <p>173 Stare at a Triangle: A Note on How to Get and Insight and How Not To |Frederick E. Crowe, S.J.</p> <p>181 Returning to the Religious Subject: Lonergan and Eliade |John D. Dadosky</p> <p>203 Elevating Insight: Space-Time as Paradigm Problem |Philip McShane</p> <p>231 Clearing the Ground: How to Think about Realism and Antirealism |Paul Templeman</p> <p>253 Transcendental Philosophy and Linguistic Philosophy |Michael Verti</p>
Volume 2
<h3>2.1 March 1984</h3> <p>1 The Mediation of Christ in Prayer | Bernard Lonergan</p> <p>21 Transcendental Deduction: A Lonerganian Meaning and Use | Frederick E. Crowe</p> <p>41 On Learning From An Error: A Response to Vernon Gregson | Terry J. Tekippe</p> <p>49 Review: Lester C. Thurow: Dangerous Currents The State of Economics | Eileen de Neeve</p> <p>59 Review John C. Kelly: A Philosophy of Communication | Garrett Barden</p> <h3>2.2 October 1984</h3> <p>1 Questionnaire on Philosophy | Bernard Lonergan</p> <p>3 Strawson and Lonergan on Person | Joseph Fitzpatrick</p> <p>4 Review Alan Olson (Ed.): Myth, Symbol and Reality | Fred Lawrence</p> <p>4 Review Denise L. and John T. Carmody: Ways to The Center | Philip Boo Riley</p> <p>4 Review Eugene Thomas Long (Ed.): Experience, Reason and God | James G. Hanink</p> <p>5 Review William J. Kelly (Ed.): Theology and Discovery | Michael C. OCallaghan<br> </p>
Volume 20
<h3>20.1</h3> <p>1 &nbsp;A Lonerganian&nbsp;Kritik&nbsp;of the Evolutionary Sciences and Religious Consciousness: The Isomorphism of Structures, Activities, and Analysis |&nbsp;Rosemary Juel Bertocci and Francis H. Rohlf</p> <p>21 &nbsp;Research: An Illustration from Galileo Studies |&nbsp;Patrick H. Byrne</p> <p>33 &nbsp;The Truth of Theological Understanding in&nbsp;Divinarum Personarum&nbsp;and&nbsp;De Deo Trino, Par Systematica | Robert M. Doran, S.J.</p> <p>77 &nbsp;Bernard Lonergan to Thomas OMalley |&nbsp;Gordon Rixon, S.J.</p> <p>115 &nbsp;Book Review</p> <h3>20.2</h3> <p>121 &nbsp;Translators Introduction |&nbsp;Michael Shields, S.J.</p> <p>125 &nbsp;Analysis of Faith |&nbsp;Bernard Lonergan, S.J.</p> <p>155 &nbsp;The Problem of Desire in Human Knowing and Loving |&nbsp;Beth Beshear</p> <p>175 &nbsp;Lonergan at the Edges of Understanding |&nbsp;Frederick E. Crowe, S.J.</p> <p>199 &nbsp;Modern Philosophy and the Flight from the Subject |&nbsp;Hugo Meynell<br> </p>
Volume 21
<h3>21.1</h3> <p>1 &nbsp;The Realist Response to Idealism in England and Lonergans Critical Realism |&nbsp;Mark D. Morelli</p> <p>25 &nbsp;The Surpassing Subject |&nbsp;Nicolas Plants</p> <p>47 &nbsp;Can We Thematize Mysticism? |&nbsp;Loius Roy, O.P.</p> <p>67 &nbsp;Acceptance and Actualization: The Two Phases of My Human Living |&nbsp;Michael Vertin</p> <h3>21.2</h3> <p>87 &nbsp;Editors Note |&nbsp;Frederick E. Crowe, S.J.</p> <p>89 &nbsp;Grace and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius |&nbsp;Bernard J. F. Lonergan, S.J.</p> <p>107 &nbsp;Languages of Transcendence Across the Realms of Meaning |&nbsp;Glenn Hughes</p> <p>125 &nbsp;A Shower of Insights: Autobiography and Intellectual Conversion |&nbsp;Richard M. Liddy</p> <p>145 &nbsp;Interiority and the Challenge for Primatology |&nbsp;Daniel Mayer</p>
Volume 22
<h3>22.1</h3> <p>1 A Note on the Prefaces of Insight | F.E. Crowe, S.J.</p> <p>3 The Original Preface | Bernard Lonergan</p> <p>9 Lonergans Economics | William Mathews, S.J.</p> <p>31 Reversing Rorty | Hugo Meynell </p> <p>49 Review Price Markups and Moral Decline: A Review of An Inquiry into the Poverty of Economics by Charles K. Wilber and Kenneth P. Jameson | John F. Maguire<br> </p>
Volume 3
<h3>3.1 March 1985</h3> <p>1 A Note on the Prefaces of Insight | F.E. Crowe, S.J.</p> <p>3 The Original Preface | Bernard Lonergan</p> <p>9 Lonergans Economics | William Mathews, S.J.</p> <p>31 Reversing Rorty | Hugo Meynell </p> <p>49 Review Price Markups and Moral Decline: A Review of An Inquiry into the Poverty of Economics by Charles K. Wilber and Kenneth P. Jameson | John F. Maguire</p> <h3>3.2 October 1985</h3> <p>1 A Note on Lonergans Dissertation and its Introductory Pages | Frederick E. Crowe</p> <p>9 The Gratia Operans Dissertation: Preface and Introduction | Bernard Lonergan</p> <p>47 Appendix 1: Lonergans List of Chapters</p> <p>48 Appendix 2: Notes Prefixed to Excerpta from the Dissertation</p> <p>51 Turning Liberalism Inside Out | Charles C. Hefling, Jr.<br> A Review of The Nature of Doctrine: Religion and the Theology in a Postliberal Age by George A. Lindbeck.<br> </p>
Volume 4
<h3>4.1 March 1986</h3> <p>1 Lonergan and the Philosophy of Religion | David B. Burrell</p> <p>6 The Discussion of Mystery in Insight | Glenn Hughes</p> <p>18 Lindbecks Appropriation of Lonergan | Dennis M. Doyle</p> <p>29 Lonergan and the Husserlian Problem of Transcendental Intersubjectivity | Paul Kidder</p> <h3>4.2 October 1986</h3> <p>55 Self-Knowledge and the Interpretation of Imaginal Expression | Robert M. Doran</p> <p>85 Insight and Mirrors | Garrett Barden</p> <p>105 Reply to Garrett Barden | Hugo Meynell</p> <p>108 Rorty and the Mirror Images in St. Thomas | Daniel A. Dombrowski</p> <p>115 Kenny and Lonergan on Aquinas | Andrew Beards<br> </p>
Volume 5
<h3>5.1 March 1987</h3> <p>1 The Origins of Christian Realism | Bernard Lonergan</p> <p>13 Verification: A Survey of Lonergans Usage | Des OGrady, S.J.</p> <p>41 Theology and Public Policy: Method in the Work of Segundo, Ellul and Doran | Darrell J. Fasching</p> <h3>5.2 October 1987</h3> <p>1 Ubersicht as Oversight: Problems in Wittgensteins Later Philosophy | Andrew Beards</p> <p>18 Matthew Arnold Re-Applied (1) | Joseph Fitzpatrick</p> <p>39 Foundations of Ethics | William E. Murnion</p> <p>58 Mysterium Tremendum | Peter J. Drilling<br> </p>
Volume 6
<h3>6.1 March 1988</h3> <h4>Papers Presented at the Third Annual Meeting of the West Coast Methods Institute, Santa Clara University, March 1987</h4> <p>1 Lonergan and Existentialism | Mark D. Morelli</p> <p>18 Dread and the Horizon of Existence | Thomas J. McPartland</p> <p>28 On Horizon and Dread: Thoughts from Jaspers, Frankl, and Lonergan | W.F.J. Ryan, S.J.</p> <p>50 The Appropriation of Existential Consciousness | Elizabeth A. Morelli</p> <p>6<span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; background-color: transparent;">3 Imaginal Horizons | Glenn Hughes</span></p> <h3>6.2 October 1988</h3> <p>69 Matthew Arnold Re-Applied (2) | Joseph Fitzpatrick</p> <p>93 From Crisis to Insight | Hugo Meynell</p> <p>107 B.F. Skinners Radical Behaviorist Theory of the Cognitive Dimension of Consciousness: A Lonerganian Critique | Larry Cooley</p> <p>1<span style="font-size: 0.8125rem; background-color: transparent;">38 Books Received</span></p>
Volume 7
<h3>7.1 March 1989</h3> <p>1 What is a Thing for Lonergan? | Paul Kidder</p> <p>18 Hayes Radical Behaviorist Explanation of the Cognitive Dimension of Consciousness: A Lonerganian Critique | Larry Cooley</p> <p>31 The Cognitive Functions of Feelings | David Oyler</p> <p>51 The Structures of Interpersonal Relationships | Steven Wentworth Arndt</p> <p>71 Doctrines, Praxis and Critical Theology: An Interpretation and Critique of Charles Daviss Option | David M. Hammond</p> <h3>7.2 October 1989</h3> <p>95 The Influence of Newmans Doctrine of Assent on the Thought of Bernard Lonergan | David M. Hammond</p> <p>116 Lonergan and the Catholic University | Richard M. Liddy</p> <p>132 Sources of Value | Garrett Barden</p> <p>141 Human Development: From Below Upward and From Above Downward | Maurice Schepers, O.P.</p>
Volume 8
<h3>8.1 March 1990</h3> <p>1 A Conversation with Hans-Georg Gadamer | Michael Baur</p> <p>14 A Contribution to the Gadamer Lonergan Discussion | Michael Baur</p> <p>24 Lonergan and Educating for Ministry: A Construction | Don Thompson</p> <p>48 The Notion of the Transcultural in Bernard Lonergans Theology | Matthew Lamb</p> <p>74 Curiosity at the Center of Ones Life | William Mathews</p> <p>89 The Third World and Bernard Lonergan | Eileen De Neeve</p> <p>94 Transcendental Phenomenological Retrieval and Critical Theory | Martin Matustik</p> <h3>8.2 October 1990</h3> <p>106 On Knowing and Naming | Andrew Beards</p> <p>129 Thomas Aquinas and the Will: A Note on Interpretation | Frederick E. Crowe</p> <p>135 Baurs Conversation with Hans-Georg Gadamer and Contribution to the Gadamer Lonergan Discussion: A Reaction | Fred Lawrence</p> <p>152 Review Jean-Marc Laporte, S.J.: Patience and Power: Grace for the First World | Louis Roy, O.P.<br> </p>
Volume 9
<h3>9.1 March 1991</h3> <p>1 Reconstruction, Dialectic and Praxis | Patrick Riordan</p> <p>23 Concepts of Culture: Lonergan and the Anthropologists | Dennis Klein</p> <p>44 Learning from Lonergan at Eleven | T.V. Daly</p> <p>63 Review William J. Danaher: Insight in Chemistry | Frank Budenholzer</p> <p>70 A Note on a Note: Response to Crowe | Terry Tekippe</p> <p>71 A Call for Papers on Lonergan and Communication</p> <h3>9.2 October 1991</h3> <p>72 Twine in the Labyrinth: Lonergan, the Non-Relative, and the Horizon of Three Pluralisms | Frank Paul Braio</p> <p>134 Lonergans PANTON ANAKEPHALAIOSIS: Editors Preface | F.E. Crowe and R.M. Doran</p> <p>139 PANTON ANAKEPHALAIOSIS | Bernard Lonergan<br> </p>