Faculty Directory

Robert Fichman



Management and Organization


Rob Fichman’s main research interests concern digital innovation, including the factors affecting the diffusion and assimilation of new IT, and the transformative effects that digital innovations have on individuals, organizations, markets, and society.He has published broadly on these topics in Communications of the ACM,California Management Review, Decision Sciences Journal, IEEE Computer, Harvard Business Review, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association of Information Systems,Management Science,MIS Quarterly,Sloan Management Review and other scholarly journals.

Selected Appointments and Awards

Professor Fichman currently serves on the editorial board of theJournal of Management Information Systems. He has also served as Senior Editor atInformation Systems ResearchԻJournal of the Association of Information Systems,and Associate Editor atManagement ScienceԻMISQ.

Professional Activities

Prior to getting his Ph.D., Dr. Fichman worked for several years as an IS applications development manager for a leading telecommunications company, and as an IT industry consultant.